Saturday, July 30, 2011


I'm at the OCEAN!!!  I did not swim Thursday and I regret not going.  I was not able to swim Friday since I was traveling all day when I finally got here, I was too tired to swim.  I did check out the ocean and had to resist the call to get in.
I got in today and did an easy mile.  I forgot to pack grease or buy some so I had to keep it short.  Plus I'm still a bit travel lagged.  I swam out a few hundred yards then headed south with the current.  I was able to see the ocean floor and watched crabs scurry around jelleyfish try to get me.  2 were successful. 
I swam till I felt I was about 1/2 mile judging distance and stroke count.  I turned back and swam against the current all the way back.  The water was pretty choppy and was rolling me up and down pretty good.  It was very fun. 
I wish I could have gone more but I was already getting a small hot spot under my left armpit so I headed in when I was at my starting point instead of doing more like I wanted.  I will have grease by Monday and will do more next time.  Man it feels incredible swimming in the ocean.  It's just so different than swimming in anything else and the vasteness and power of it amazed me every time.  I'm glad I'm here.  I do wish my friends back in UT were here with me.  They would love it and make these swims even more enjoyable, if that is possible!

Distance today = 1 mile.

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